Venus Conjunct South Node – Synastry Vs Composite
The Venus conjunct South Node aspect is considered to be the “past life lovers” aspect in synastry or the composite charts. Here are the 7 facts you need to know about it:
At Home In Love.
With the Venus conjunct South Node synastry aspect, love feels comfortable and familiar here. It is as though you’ve known and loved each other before and are back together again. Indeed, this is considered to be one of the strong indicators of a past life love connection (for those of you who resonate with the concept of karma and karmic lovers). It does not, on its own, indicate whether that connection was enjoyable or not (not all love relationships are happy, as we all know!) but rather that there was likely some type of one. You feel that you have a lot in common with your partner.
“We’ve Loved Each Other Before”
This might be the general sense/theme you get with Venus conjunct South Node in the composite chart that gives a mutual sense of loving the familiar comfort. It’s as though you get to continue your relationship that began long before… In synastry, by contrast, there is usually one person (Venus) who brings the familiar type of loving affection to the relationship. And it is the South Node person that typically receives and resonates with it as he/she feels it is known to them from before so there is a general ease of relating. In the relationship’s composite chart, both people play out the Venus and South Node “roles”. And this sort of familiar relating can extend to the external environment towards other people and even money-making opportunities or challenges. This is because the composite chart also shows how we, as a couple, affect or are affected by the outer world outside of our private “us” world, and with the conjunction to the South Node, the initial ease may turn to annoyance or boredom over time.
Was It Love or Something Else?
Depending on the rest of the synastry and composite charts and your overall sense of the relationship, you can find clues as to what type of a Venusian connection this was – whether strictly romantic, artistic or even a business one. Look at the houses and signs and other connecting aspects to the Venus-South Node contact for more info. What does the Venus person bring to the table (natal chart strengths and afflictions as weaknesses of their own Venus), and what aspects are there to the South Node person’s South Node?
Will Love Be Lost?
The downside is that the Venus conjunct South Node aspect typically reduces love (or money or art, depending on what Venus-ruled areas of life are brought into your relationship) between two people involved. All conjunct aspects to the South Node mean an opposition to the North Node (they are on the same South-North Node axis), and because the North Node is where we are headed in life (vs going back to the past life), the opposition will produce a decrease in the planetary influence involved in the opposition. In this case, it is the Venusian things like love, affection, beauty, attraction, romantic desires, beautiful things and money. The Venus conjunct South Node aspect most commonly manifests itself as one person outgrowing the other and eventually feeling stuck. While natural familiarity with another person may feel wonderful at first, over time most people crave self-growth and development without being held back. And that is what this South Node conjunction may eventually feel like – being held back. Does it mean it won’t last and the relationship is doomed? Not necessarily depending on other factors in your compatibility, and the purpose of the relationship. Not everyone wants a lifelong connection, after all. But as long as you understand that South Node conjunctions will require (usually) the Venus person (in synastry) to compromise and encourage the South Node person to get out of their comfort zone as to move towards their North Node, the relationship can surely survive!
“Is Our Love Doomed?”
Not necessarily, of course! One single aspect will not make or break a relationship. If your gut feeling is signalling some concerns, however, check if there are some classic “heartbreak” aspects or clashes present in your synastry and/or the composite. For example, a harsh Venus square Chiron or Venus opposite Chiron aspect usually results in love-related wounding (from Magi astrology that I also use in my analysis and find to be very useful), where Venus square Saturn may lead to cold, responsibility based love between two partners. Saturn square Chiron often leads to an eventual separation because of the restrictions and wounding involved, so when you see a combination of wounding, coldness, and fighting related aspects in synastry and/or the composite chart in addition to the Venus conjunct South Node aspect, that can give you a better idea of why that past life type of love may begin fading over time.
“Can Our Love Be Saved?”
One of the remedies for the Venus conjunct South Node synastry situation is to shift more focus to the South Node person’s North Node and work with it to stimulate his or her personal growth vs leaning back on what is overly familiar and seems to be safe. For example, if your partner’s South Node is in Aquarius (and so is your Venus), you prefer a more detached and friendship-based type of relating that isn’t really romantic, which is something that your Aqua South Node partner naturally understands because of that similar energy from past life. However, they are gravitating towards their North Node in Leo, which, by definition, craves more generous attention, admiration, warmth and big-hearted love that would be focused on them. This is something that your Venus isn’t particularly comfortable with because its Aquarius influence does not like favoritism and prefers a universal type of detached love. So if you are able to consciously adapt your way of showing love to your partner in more Leonine warm-hearted and romantically affectionate (not clingy!) ways, you would be more likely to sustain their interest level long-term.
“Will Our Relationship Evolve or Stagnate?”.
The Venus conjunct South Node composite chart situation is different from synastry in that the relationship itself as its very own unit will feel familiar and comfortable at first followed by a sense of lack of evolvement later on, while in synastry, it is usually the Venus person who will tend to hold back the South Node person. The key with the Venus conjunct South Node composite chart aspect is for both people to consciously work on their relationship’s North Node, which may feel uncomfortable for both people because this chart is based on midpoints between the 2 partners’ placements so it may feel foreign to both people at once. How each partner will feel about the evolution of the relationship’s love goals towards its North Node will depend on how each person deals with change individually. The more flexible ones may find it OK but those with more stubborn energies and with challenging natal chart aspects (including to their own North Node) may lean back on the South Node too much. Is this a deal breaker? If there are numerous other problematic composite chart aspects such as Moon or Venus square or opposite Saturn and Venus square or opposite Chiron, among others, then prepare yourself for possible disappointment down the road, but don’t despair – we have about 25% of free will to work with so even the challenging aspects can be turned into dynamic growth inducing opportunities in our relationships.
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