Astrology Love Compatibility Chart Basics: Synastry Aspects
Astrology love compatibility is arguably the number one reason why people get into astrology or get an astrology reading. We all want that one person we like or love to feel the same about us, don’t we? But when a person asks how to make someone they are interested in love them, they are ultimately looking to consult a magician. So before we dive into the astrology love compatibility chart basics, let me remind you this one thing: astrologers are not magicians and not fortune tellers, although at times their uncannily accurate predictions may seem that way.
No matter the basic compatibility between two people’s birth charts, you can only do so much to win someone else’s love. Unless you’re on a hunt to find a magic love potion, don’t forget that at the end of the day, you ultimately have two choices when it comes to love: use your free will to work through the challenges of your current situation (aka turn squares into trines, in astrological terms) or just move on to see who might make a more natural match.
Below is a brief overview of astrology love compatibility chart basics to help you achieve more fulfilling relationships. Please note that astrology is very complex, with complexity that goes beyond the analysis of only a few key astrological aspects, so for the most accurate results, consult an experienced astrologer. But this will give you some pointers that will be enough for you to start recognizing patterns in people when you meet them or consider them for a relationship. In this Part I, I will briefly discuss several important synastry aspects:
1. Sun, Moon and Ascendant intra-aspects. This is the absolute minimum you must check as part of your astrology love compatibility chart analysis. When there is at least one connecting link between any combination of these 3, you will feel a pull. It doesn’t have to be a romantic pull per se for sometimes a friendly pull is great before turning into something more. The more connecting links you have, the higher your compatibility score will be by default!
2. Moon sign compatibility. This is important because if your Moons are in a conflict, you will inevitably encounter emotional hiccups (even if minor) on the way. Ultimately, men in particular unconsciously seek something familiar in a woman that makes them feel safe and secure (yes, sort of like how their mom made them feel when they were little if they didn’t have any severe mother-related traumas, of course. Their natal Moon aspects are important – be mindful of men who don’t trust women; they will normally have some challenging Moon aspect). So if you are a woman, your partner’s Moon sign and house placement will point to his emotional needs and give clues as to how to best connect with him on a deeper emotional level.
3. Venus aspects in synastry. Venus is our love nature. It’s how we relate to love, give love and what we need for our love nature to feel nourished (note: do not confuse your love nature with your emotions; these are two different areas that do not always act in harmony hence causing confusion between what one needs to feel loved and cared for on an emotional level).
The reason why Venus is not included in the #1 basic astrology love compatibility indicator for beginners (the Sun-Moon-Ascendant one) is that essentially the feeling of love on its own is a pleasant feeling and becomes more important over time when two partners know each other way better. It’s not passion and not an emotional attachment. Most people don’t understand the difference, but in many cases, people will ultimately overlook that simple pleasant sensation in favor of emotional security or passionate love-making. It is important, nevertheless, and the Venus-Mars aspect, as claimed to be the most important astrology love compatibility aspect by the media or inexperienced astrologers, can surely point to a magnetic attraction between two people, but is far from being the most important!
4. Venus-Uranus – magnetic attraction. If you felt a magnetic pull towards someone upon meeting them, perhaps butterflies in your stomach, or a “love at first sight” type of a feeling, Venus-Uranus aspects are the ones to primarily look for as they are essentially responsible for that magnetic attraction and electrifying zap that keeps you up at night wondering where the cupid came from.
I’ve experienced this aspect a couple of times (1 was a double whammy (ie mutual aspect from both sides) Venus trine Uranus with my “Big Ex”), and it sure can make a person (or both people as was in my case) feel like it’s love at first sight. But FYI – Uranus is the energy of sudden changes and unpredictability so unless there is some healthy binding Saturn in your synastry, and other supportive aspects, that Venus-Uranus passionate sensation may not lead to a relationship or the relationship may not stand the test of time, even if it feels so amazing right now.
5. Mars synastry aspects. Mars is our drive, ambition, sexual needs and a way to get what we want. If your partner’s Mars is in Cancer, for example, where Mars becomes very gentle and caring (it adopts Cancerian motherly and sensitive qualities), then they are most likely a gentle lover so expecting them to rip your clothes off, throw you against the wall or do you a-la-50 Shades of Grey style would, in most cases, be wishful thinking, if you yourself have, let’s say, an aggressive and passionate but more selfish Mars in Aries that enjoys quickies and casual encounters.
If sex is important for you (and it is more important for some than others!), this is where you need to look for initial clues. If Mars is badly aspected (let’s say there is a tight Mars square Neptune aspect in your partner’s natal chart), you’d want to investigate further for potential addictions, from the most common related to substances (drugs and alcohol) to sexual addictions.
Mars is also an important factor in a relationship because it is essentially how we attract money. Yes, you may be surprised to know that love and money attraction are ruled by the same planet Venus, but if you think deeper, you’ll see that it makes sense. So while your partner’s financial situation needs a variety of aspects and astrology factors to be analyzed for an actual financial success prediction, you will at least know how their energy attracts money.
6. Pluto synastry aspects. Venus-Pluto synastry aspects are particularly potent and can lead to an intensely passionate affair laced with jealousy, and in the case of Venus square Pluto aspect, a sense of not being able to break away from a love tie (even if it’s the right thing to do). Moon trine Pluto can feel quite magical as an emotionally psychic link while the square may even lead to emotional cruelty. Emotional damage of some kind may be inevitable with a tight (ie within 3 degrees orb) Moon square Pluto aspect unless you consciously choose to move away from the situation and if both partners are willing to work through it. Sun-Pluto hard aspects typically point to issues of manipulation and control in an astrology love compatibility chart, so beware.
Pluto brings intensity and potential for a deep transformation but also potential control and manipulation issues (either conscious or subconscious) into a relationship. The state of your own natal Pluto will determine your own “relationship” with Pluto (whether you tend to be just passionate or a more jealous and possessive type etc). Once you analyze your own Pluto and your (potential) partner’s Pluto, the Pluto synastry aspects will complete the picture and give a sense of who may be the more possessive or jealous one. Sometimes you may even suddenly find yourself displaying jealousy towards a particular person while not towards others, or your partner may be twisting the truth to get their way etc.
7. Mercury synastry aspects. The planet of communication is, obviously, one of the most important astrology love compatibility chart factors to look at. Personally, I truly loathe Mercury square opposition Saturn in synastry because it inevitably causes (either from the beginning or later on after the rose glasses come off) communication problems. One partner will feel that their partner’s communication style feels restrictive and heavy, and sometimes even depressing.
I actually also have this pesky aspect with my mother and this one guy I met last year. Both are so downright heavy and restrictive in communication (both have natal Mercury-Saturn problems) that I often just feel like running away to spend time with someone more lighthearted and less critical and depressing.
By contrast, Mercury trine Venus will feel lovely (unless other challenging aspects overshadow it) and will help communication flow smoother.
8. Saturn synastry aspects. This is a crucially important part of astrology love compatibility because Saturn aspects are either the glue that keeps two people around or like a heavy dark cloud of restrictions and strict father-like behavior.
If one partner brings well-aspected Saturn to the table while the other one doesn’t bring any Saturn or badly aspected Saturn, you’ll know that the Saturn-bringing person is the one who keeps this “relationship” together (ladies, take note in case you’re the one who’s always doing all the chasing while the guy just doesn’t “stick”!).
The easy Saturn trine Venus or Saturn trine Moon aspects will provide the glue a connection needs to endure (and, for instance, offset some unexpected Uranus aspects if any), but if they are one-sided, that’s a red flag! Venus square or opposition Saturn can feel devastatingly heavy and restrict the relationship from either taking off or progressing naturally to the next step. It’s not a rule but a high likelihood. But you’ll know relatively quickly whether you both are on the same page, and if not, this hard aspect may have a role to play here.
9. Chiron synastry aspects. Chiron is arguably the most overlooked astrology love compatibility aspect (usually more advanced astrologers use it while most newbies focus on the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Ascendant basics). Chiron is called a “wounded healer” because it points to our deepest sources of inner wounds and traumas, most often without us even realizing it, and gives us clues for how to heal them if they present a problem in one’s life or a relationship. I will do a separate post about Chiron so stay tuned. Easy (trines and sextiles) planetary transits to Chiron in synastry will provide healing opportunities while the hard aspects may either cause more damage or require hard conscious work and awareness from both partners to be turned into a transformative healing force that is Chiron’s ultimate goal.
10. Neptune synastry aspects. I always check Neptune aspects in astrology love compatibility synastry charts to see whether one or both people idealize the other or the relationship as a whole and whether there is potential lying (whether intentional or subconscious) in place.
Most often heavy Neptune synastry aspects (let’s say Mercury square Neptune, or Sun square Neptune, or even Venus square Neptune) may actually lead to dishonest behavior or even cheating (although spotting cheating in astrology isn’t easy and one aspect is certainly not enough so FYI). The main problem with this configuration is the likelihood of projecting an image of an ideal lover onto the partner, and feeling disappointed and let down when reality hits the fan and the Neptunian fog dissolves, or when the Neptune partner “escapes” by distancing themselves further and further.
If you are the Neptunian partner, you should be extra careful not to promise more than you can deliver, in an attempt to make your Venus counterpart feel better. “Errors of omission” will count as misleading in this case, so be extra clear and avoid sending mixed signals. The Neptune partner might even have a hard time dealing with Venus directly if Venus seems too enamored or in a fog to even listen to reason or to see reality.
11. Jupiter synastry aspects. Jupiter -Jupiter aspects and Jupiter-ruled 9th house conditions are important astrology love compatibility chart indicators for checking the affinity between two people’s basic belief systems that will, inevitably, determine their attitude towards their life goals and dreams.
So complimentary Jupiter-Jupiter aspects will help smooth out many challenging aspects between both people since ultimately their life vision is similar. This is useful in a case where, for instance, the woman’s life goal is to achieve a peaceful family life that’s sheltered from the outside world while her partner’s goal of dedicating his life to his community and other people may eventually clash and produce a lot of tension and discontent.
Or, let’s say, one partner seeks spirituality since they are going through the signs of a spiritual awakening, while the other couldn’t be further away from that and believes strictly in what has been proved scientifically. The level of spirituality or lack of thereof will present itself as a conflict at some point as inevitably both people’s belief systems will be fundamentally different.
12. Davison and Composite charts. These would be the next steps in your astrology love compatibility chart analysis. Stay tuned for articles about these 2 relationship charts that must be looked at in addition to synastry.
An astrological advice is generally highly beneficial based on the interchart relationship, and when done by a qualified experienced astrologer, can prove to be 80% or more accurate. Part of the equation in the astrology love compatibility is the maturity of both people where a person is able to take “no” for an answer, once they are sure it is really “no” (ahhh, the well-known “no means yes” debate comes to mind that so many people still use on a regular basis). Sometimes one partner is far more drawn to having a relationship than the other is. And then there are people who even thrive on a partner who thinks they are the greatest thing since sliced (gluten-free, of course) bread.
The complexity but also the beauty of astrology love compatibility has to do with the fact that it is ultimately our free will factors that can lead to various different combinations that can work in any one particular case but it’s ultimately up to you to remove the rose-colored glasses (if you’re wearing them) and see a relationship or its potential for what it is.
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